Friday, December 31, 2010

Why You should be Vaccinated for Rubella?

Rubella virus causes rubella, also known as German measles and congenital rubella syndrome. Humans are the natural host. That means that the virus is only found in humans, therefore, you will not acquire it from any animal.

The virus cause disease in adults but its effects on the fetus are far worse. If the mother is not immune against it, and she acquires the virus during pregnancy, there is a high chance that your baby develops significant congenital malformations of the heart, brain and the eyes.

  • ·         patent ductus arteriosus

  • ·         cataracts

  • ·         deafness

  • ·         mental retardation

So how do you get the immunity?

You will have life long immunity if you are infected with the virus. If not, the only way to get the immunity is by vaccination.

Good News for Americans

In 2005 the centre of disease control announced that USA has eradicated the disease from their country. This is a result of extended immunization programs. There have been several cases reported after that but they are cases acquired from outside the country.


Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology - 10th Ed

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