Saturday, September 25, 2010

Becoming a good mother

Becoming a mother is not an easy process. Lord Buddha once said that the only post that is equal to being Buddha is being a mother. Becoming mother involves not only physical fitness, but also social, and psychological wellbeing.

Some women dream about becoming a mother from the childhood, and few of them prepare from the childhood, but most have no idea what they should do. Many women just go with the flow. First they study, then they get a job, then they get married and have children. The societies/cultures of many countries have embedded this line of thinking in women’s head, but they have not taught them what they should do to become a good mother.

After getting married, you will have children. Then you take care of them, but it is not that easy. Becoming a mother is something that you should think seriously, because the child’s whole life depends on how planned you are.

If you want to have a healthy, pretty and intelligent child, there are a lot of things you should do from the beginning.

Becoming a mother is a gift, which only a woman can have, but there should be a proper environment for that gift to be an actual gift. You should not have children just because you get conceived. You should have a child, because you wanted a child. So, keep that in mind before you get married, or even before starting a relationship.

If you have any query, just leave it on comments, I am always looking forward to answer them all.

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