Monday, September 27, 2010

Before getting Pregnant

There are a lot of things you should do, once you have decided to get pregnant. It is better to pay a visit to a doctor and get his/her advice, but very few do this.

Nutrition plays a major role in creating a normal healthy pregnant status. You should take a well balanced diet well before getting pregnant.

You should take folic acid before getting pregnant. Talk to your doctor and he/ she will prescribe you the tablets. Folic acid tablets are given to prevent chromosomal abnormalities of the baby. They are essential for normal cellular division, and any deficiency leads to chromosomal abnormalities.

Getting medical advice is essential for those who suffer from chronic illnesses like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, renal diseases, etc.  It is because they have to do special alteration in their present medications. For example diabetes patients taking oral pills should shift to insulin.

If you have any query, just leave it on comments, I am always looking forward to answer them all.

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