Sunday, September 26, 2010

Preparing for pregnancy – Before you get married

Getting pregnant is some thing that you should think very seriously before you get married. Getting pregnant involve a lot of preparations, not only yourself, but also your husband, your economical status, and any thing and every thing.

First you should discuss with your fiancé about this issue. Talk to him about the time you want a child in your little family. Think about the following things.
  • Your age – extremes of age carries a lot of pregnancy complications.
  • Your job – you are going to have to leave the job your doing. Can you and your husband afford it?
  • Your economical status
  • Your living environment – Do you have a proper house? Maybe you want to build one before getting pregnant.
If the above things are not fulfilled, it is better to wait. Then you should choose a suitable contraceptive method.

If you have any query, just leave it on comments, I am always looking forward to answer them all.

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